Water Treatment


InSite designs, constructs and operates water treatment systems that remove or reduce a wide range of contaminants of concern to produce treated water that is suitable for re-use or discharge. 


InSite has developed mobile and containerised technologies to enable process water to be pumped, treated, and discharged to the sewer, by irrigation, infiltration trenches, or to the stormwater system under licence.

CASE STUDY: Water treatment during decommissioning works 


InSite was engaged to design, construct, operate, and maintain a water treatment system at a decommissioned industrial site in NSW. The project scope included the treatment of hydrocarbons, sludge, sediment and silt contaminated water from decommissioning works, decontamination of plant & equipment and wash down of plant infrastructure. All treated water was disposed of to the sewer under a trade waste agreement with Sydney Water.


The water treatment system consisted of a break tank, oil/water separator, air stripper and granular activated carbon (GAC) adsorbers. The fully automated system allowed 24/7 unmanned operation.


During the works 6,110,462 litres of contaminated water was treated and discharged to sewer.



 CASE STUDY: Water treatment during a service station upgrade 


A water treatment plant was designed, supplied and constructed by InSite’s in-house design and construction team that allowed treatment of TPH/BTEX/PAH impacted water encountered during excavation works. The system was placed within a constructed bund lined with HDPE. The system was controlled by a PLC panel which included an automatic overfill level shutdown system.


Treatment involved enhanced gravity separation of suspended solids from the excavation water prior to the hydrocarbon treatment system. A total of 5,113,200 litres of water was treated and disposed of to sewer under a trade waste agreement.



 CASE STUDY: Water treatment to remediate an ethanol spill


After a large roadside spill, ethanol impacted surface water was captured during earthworks and treated using a water treatment system. The system consisted of settling tanks, an oil/water separator to remove LNAPL, an air stripper to remove volatile hydrocarbons and granular activated carbon adsorbers to polish the water before discharge via irrigation. A total of 273,000 litres of water was treated and re-used on site, with all post treatment sampling indicating levels of ethanol below the ANZECC 95% freshwater guideline of 1,400 µg/L. 


In addition to the water treatment, soil remediation was also undertaken.  Validation sampling confirmed the efficacy of the remediation strategy with all soil sample results less than the laboratory limit of reporting. The remediated soil was returned to the original excavation, and compacted with a 7 tonne padfoot roller.